Thursday, December 19, 2013

Where Did You Go?!

  Well hello there.  Long time no blog.

  I have been approached by several people (more people than I thought actually read this silly little blog), asking me why I haven't been blogging lately. Most of the time I reply by joking around saying my life is too boring. But when my hot handsome husband asked me the same question a couple months ago, I gave him the honest answer.

  Truthfully, this year has sucked! The negative has greatly outweighed the positive and I am more than ready to say "peace out" to 2013.  I chose not to blog about it because who wants to read what Negative Nancy has to say. Plus, I did not want people to feel sorry for me. Believe me, I have drowned myself in enough self pity for everyone.

  I hit a very low point this year. I was in a dark place and pushed some of the people I am closest to away from me. To tell you the pain I was in (sometimes physically) but mostly mentally was unbearable at times, is an understatement. For the first time in my life, when asked if I was okay, I honestly replied, "no." And I wasn't okay. I prayed everyday for strength. Heck, some days I still find myself digging deep to find that strength. 

  But don't you worry, I am doing much better. I have been slowly climbing out of the dark hole I was in and I am almost on solid ground. Running has helped a great deal. It has reminds me how strong I really am and that my body has not completely failed me.     

  I obviously have been very vague with my situation because I am not ready to go into detail yet about what exactly happened this year but I think that as a part of my healing process, I will eventually write about it. It is a very personal issue but I know that many woman have experienced a similar story to mine. It is nothing to be ashamed of but for some reason our society likes to keep situations like this hush hush.

  My plan is to blog one more time before the year is over, giving a little more insight into why I've stayed away from blogging lately. Then, my goal is to get back into blogging regularly after the New Year. I plan to share the good, the bad and the ugly!

  Here's to 2014 being a much better year!


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